Thursday, September 16, 2010


 Realized you guys might want some wedding updates so here they are:

* We are 1 year and 1 day away from the Big Day and have most of the "big stuff" out of the way! I don't know what people are taking about...this wedding planning stuff is easy! (Thanks mom!) We've got our church, reception site, caterer, photographer and videographer! I've decided not to share EVERYTHING because I still want everyone to have that feel of surprise when we pull this shin-dig off! Oh, and we are working on a Wedding Website....stay tuned!

* Dress shopping: Might be the hardest, most stressful part to come! Have been twice now....stay tuned on that too!

* Nate and I are so excited about our photographers!!! We met with them (Nate's mom came too!) on Saturday when we were home and love love love them! They're just young and hip!! We walked away from that smiling. And we met with our videographer here in Indy on Tuesday. We love what he does too, so all in all.....we can't wait to have some AWESOME memories to keep for a lifetime!

Ok....that's all you guys get for now!

"Wedding Workout" again last night with J. Decided to do a little bench press only to find out we are both weaker than we thought and had some difficulty just lifting the bar. I swear it wasn't as heavy in college. We both had to giggle when we saw these big guys were all around us.....grunting and sweating up a storm......and  there we were having a hard time with the bar?!? (Their forks probably weigh as much as the bar!) But we sure didn't see any other girls in the free weight section, so kudos to us!

Took some more stuff over to the apartment last night. My friend Alli (teammate from college and my "red dress" wedding friend as some of you might better know her) was in the area so she stopped by on her way home to check it out. It was good to see her cute little married in the same city and still can't find enough time to hang out. (or with Courtney!) Got some much needed kitchen utensils from her. It's like you get married and then you can't find a use for your old stuff so you pass it along to....well me! I am warning you guys: I only have 2 wine glasses so don't everyone come visit at once! Probably take most of the rest of my stuff over tonight and try to get settled before the KING MATTRESS comes tomorrow night! I can't even imagine what a King by myself is going to feel like....but I won't dwell on it!

Quincey wanted me to send you all his love. And NO, this is not going to turn into a dog-blog, Jake! Love and miss you all!! :)

"When life throws you lemons...throw them back and demand chocolate cake!"


  1. "red dress" wedding friend huh?? it :) and LOVE that i got a shout-out on here!! i feel famous now!!

  2. It was just with so many weddings, in keeping them apart I often used this title. Plus my Grandma did the alterations so my dad's side especially knew you by this! MUCH LOVE!!!!! :)

  3. Love it!! Ps...I'm totally calling u "green dress wedding" :)

  4. Might want to hold off on that....not sure if I want to do green DRESSES or not. Maybe Champagne?!? But, of course, I'll let you know!!! :)
