Sunday, November 7, 2010


 I've been told I haven't been updating this enough.....(Jessica) while I'm sitting here at Nate's with Internet I thought I'd update you guys about my week. (I'm warning you all, this may be boring!)

 What has happened......well it's a new month! Happy November! With this new month brings 4 family birthdays and the single biggest food day of the year, Turkey Day!! Can't wait to see the fam....I kind of wish there was another big holiday during the year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just too close together and then nothing the rest of the year. Everyone should start having big family dinners just because! I also have mixed feelings about Christmas "break". So, we get 2 weeks off at Lilly. Well, actually Lilly gives everyone 1 week off, but I guess no one really works the week before Christmas either, which means if no Lilly people are there to work, there's no work for me! So we're forced to take 2 weeks off.....with no pay! Another lady I work with was there last year when they complained about it but I guess it got them nowhere. But, since I don't get any sick days or vacation days either, this 2 week break is going to be very nice.......well, I guess you can understand my mixed feelings!! Moral of the story: Everyone's getting pictures of Quincey for Christmas!!!!!!!!! ;)

 Nate and I were pretty lazy this weekend, mainly to save money. Slept in Saturday morning, football during the day, I did talk him into going to the mall to get part of Maris's birthday gift, and then back for more football and video games. Today he was like "Yesterday was great, wasn't it!?!" *sigh* Yeah, for the 1 hour you peeled your eyes away from the TV! ha ha ha (Trust me....I DO know what I'm getting myself in to!) Got to sleep in a little bit this morning too thanks to Mr. Daylight Savings!  Nate's Flag Football team was in the Championship game today at 1:00, so Quincey and I got semi-bundled up and headed out the cheer him on. My man definitely got MVP for the 1st half! (2 touchdowns and an interception).......and then during the very last play of the game, of course, he gets hurt! He'll be fine but it's his ankle/Achilles, tomorrow he's heading to the doctor, obviously, since he needs his foot to RUN!!! So we're here icing, resting, icing, know the drill. (And they lost by 5 points!)

 At this point I'd like to say that I hate stupid drivers!!! It seems like Indy's just full of them. Every other day there's an accident on my way to work, on my way home.....and on top top of that, what I hate more than anything and what I think should be made illegal is people blocking intersections!!!!!!! It's my all time biggest pet peeve!!!!!!!!! Like the other day......I was sitting at a stop light downtown trying to turn left......not 1 but 2 cars just sitting right in front of me. I was on the phone with Nate and was pissed! I would look up at the light and then look back at the stupid woman. At one point she actually shrugged her shoulders at me like it wasn't her fault!!! I about lost it. It IS your fault. I'm halfway tempted to look up the rules of the road anyway just to see what they say about blocking intersections. I know at some places they have signs that say "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION". I feel like the intersection is like no man's land, so if you're there I have to right to ram your car if I have the green light!! From now on, I think I'll just get as close as possible to any car in my way!!! "I'm sorry officer, but I had a green light!"

 Quincey wanted me to say "Hello" to everyone....and now he wants to go out......again!

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