Friday, October 8, 2010

The most important things in life aren't things

 Ok kids...sorry it's been over a week. Here's what's been happin:

Dress Shopping with Alli and Court last Thursday so much fun!! We picked about 8 to try on. We weren't super impressed by the store, but did like 1 dress especially. Even though A & C loved just about every one I came out in, I knew I would get an honest opinion out of them. Then he headed to dinner for Courtney's 27th b-day! It's the first time since I've been in Indy that just the 3 of us could get together and it was just like old times!! Thank you ladies!! :)

Last weekend Nate and I just hung about the apartments. A LOT of football happened!!! I finally got him to leave the apartment for a little bit on Saturday...I just couldn't do it anymore. Sunday Nate had a flag football game and the weather was perfect for jeans and a sweatshirt...and a Pumpkin Cappuccino from the gas station. Should have taken Quincey out with me. Next time I will for sure!

My cousin, Tyler, is home on leave from Afghanistan for 2 weeks. My aunt Marlene sent some pictures of them at the airport picking him up and the family had dinner Wednesday night with him. I got a nice picture from Maris of everyone and Tyler was smiling so I know it was a good night! Just wish I could have been time.

Jacqueline and I are still going strong on our workouts. We even up'ed some reps this past week, so we know we're getting stronger! Monday we're starting a "Couch to 5k" workout. But since we're not starting from the "couch", we're skipping to week 4. We'll be running 3 miles in no time! However, we will be adding another workout day which we probably need, but finding the time is the hard part.

Probably the biggest news of the week happened last night. Had to take Quincey to the Emergency Vet. Last week I noticed a lump on his neck. Kind of didn't think much about it...probably matted hair. Well, got home last night to take him on his walk and I noticed the area was more matted and was kind of bloody. Welp, I freaked out and called Nate. No answer of course because he was suppose to be working out. I knew where the vet was because we drive past it on the way to Shane and Jacqueline's and they've had to take their dogs there before. So I grabbed vet records and jumped in the car. Nate called back and said he was late leaving work and had just got to his apartment, so he'd meet me over there. Got checked in and in a room....blah blah blah. (Oh Q weighs 13.6 lbs now.....) So basically what they would have to do to get a better look was shave the hair around the area that was infected. AND because, you all know Quincey, and he can be a bit rowdy, they would need to give him a shot to calm him down too. So I signed the paper work...."Do you want us to use CPR if anything should happen?" she asks.....Wait, what?!?!? I was mad at him this morning because he got into the bathroom garbage and now you using the word 'CPR'?!?? Well, I love him so I signed his life away. They took him out of the room do their thing and when the Dr. came back in she said the has a 'hot spot'. You can google it if you want, but basically it's an open sore. When they brought him back he was so drugged up he was asleep in Nate's lap in .3 seconds. So, 2 medications, 1 powder, and 1 vet bill later....Quincey is fine!! It was a little scary bringing home though. When we got out to our cars we thought maybe we should let him use the bathroom, so Nate let him down like a foot from this tree.....oh my gosh, he was wobbling like he was drunk! He was so out of it he couldn't even walk! He slept on my lap the whole way home and when we brought him into the apartment he slept on the couch the rest of the night, we put him in his cage and he slept till this morning. He was so helpless..... :(  But, just like his old self, he was up at 5:30am.....still a little tired I think. He's really not suppose to be touching the area, which he CAN reach, but I couldn't really stay home today....Someone's gotta pay for this doctor bill!! But I am leaving a little early so he's not home alone ALL day. *sigh* What a night. Needless to say, Nate and I didn't go out to eat like we had planned.....although it would have been cheaper!!

Mom's coming tonight for a weekend of WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING!!!!!!! Still up in the air if either Maris or Chaela will be joining her. I hope we (I) find something so we can be done with it. I can't believe we already been engaged 3 months......but then again I can't believe we've been together almost 8 years!! YIKES!!!

Oh, I do want to send a shout out to my 2 loyal followers: Alli and my Mom!!! Hey girls!! :) Oh and Grandma....because I know you're reading this too!! ;)

"The most important things in life aren't things."


  1. Haha ok I have to admit...I'm kind of a stalker more than follower!! Hope that's ok!! :)

  2. Madison and I read it too!! Hi Blythe! Ummm another dinner date for the 3 of us again soon?! I got in the car that night after the first date thinking "wait I still have soo many more random things to tell them!"

  3. Hello ladies!!!! Dinner date whenever you want!!! :)
