Wow...thought I'd have more time to blog! Guess it's kind of hard when you don't have Internet at your place.....
But first thing is first.....WEDDING DRESS HAS BEEN PURCHASED!!!! Last weekend mom and Chaela came up and we got to mark 1 more thing off our "Wedding To-Do List"! Let me tell you though, not an easy decision. The first store we went too, I found 2 that we all fell in love with! Seriously, could not decide. So, my lady says, "Why don't you go get some lunch and think about it". So, after a much needed lunch at Chik-fil-A, we made one more stop at the other appointment we had for the day. But the dresses and the service didn't really compare to the first store we had visited. we went, back to the first store, still not knowing which dress I wanted. I got back in both of them and then.......nothing! My mom couldn't even decided. At one point I jokingly said we should just flip a coin, because that's how beautiful they both were. Thank the lord, they were going to be open on we made an appointment at 1:00, right when the store opened. I think the thing I will remember most about this whole dress shopping experience, was laying in bed Sunday with my mom weighing the 'pros' and 'cons' to each dress. I left my apartment that morning knowing (well, 98% sure) which dress I was going to pick. We got there a little early and saw some people already standing outside the store, so we followed. As we stood there mom asked me again which one. I couldn't do it, I wanted both! Knowing that was NOT an option, I stood there quietly for a few moments. Then in a pure second, I did the most crazy thing I could have done.....I got a penny from my purse and gave it to Chaela. "We aren't really doing this?!?" Chaela, flipped it and let it fall to the ground. Tails. Ha ha ha....Silly girl, we didn't say which side went with which dress!! So, Dress 1 is heads, Dress 2 is tails. And she flips it again. Tails...again! I am a firm believer in "Everything happens for a reason" and with that penny landing tails 2 times in a row, I couldn't be more sure about the dress we were about to purchase. The lady was going to let me try them both on one more time, but I chose to only put on the one I ultimately decided on. (Why ruin it!?!) So my friends......moral of the story: My sister flipped a coin to choose my dress!
Well, with that big purchase out of the way, I was free to stalk wedding blogs the rest of last week. Of course that was a bad idea! I came across this camping themed engagement session and FELL IN LOVE! (Nate and I both love camping and the outdoors!) So I e-mailed him the link, we chatted about it, and he finally agreed to MORE PICTURES! I e-mailed our photographer about it to see if we could add the engagement session back into our package. We orginally said we weren't going to do the pictures, even though they told us it was a great way for them to learn about us and for us to get comfortable with the camera. They are actually from Peoria, but living in Springfield now, however they are going to be up there the next few weekends. She told us the engagement session would be no problem and would we want to come up this weekend to her grandparents farm. So, even though it's kind of quick, we're taking our engagement pictures this weekend! Can't wait to see how they turn out and to show you guys!!! And Nate and I went shopping yesterday to find our "camping" outfits. After trying mine on last night, I just want this week to get over!!!! (Plus, Nate looks cute in flannel!) :)
Back tracking a bit, Saturday Nate and I headed to Nashville, IN for the day. We've gone for the past couple years, although Nate had gone with his family years before that. It's the cutest fall shopping town ever! We went again in December last year, and even though it's cute with all the snow, nothing compares to the town in the fall! Of course we picked the nicest day to go and it was packed! We always get a few candles (Warm Glow...look them up...amazing!). This year we got some carmel corn and tried a new place for lunch. Stopped at Brown County winery on the way back. There's a couple pumpkin patches on the way, but decided not to stop this year, as we had to get back for the Ohio State football game! We said we'd get pumpkins this week and carve them, while watching scary movies building up to Halloween! Think I'll get Q one this year, too!
That's about it here in Indy. Nate and I will be home this weekend, but will probably have to leave kind of early on Sunday so we can get to Peoria for the pictures and still get home at an early hour. I can't wait. I bought the cutest boots!!!!! Until then.......
Here's the link for our engagement session idea: